Friday, April 23, 2010

Spring and all it brings:P

Whoo Hoo! we all kno what time it is!!!!
It officially started last night on thursday and was wristband night! It will be going on throughout the weekend and im pretty sure for a few more weeks i think. Im goin on saturday with my ppl! Its gonna b awesomee:P
So, for all of us that go to Southaven middle, most of us are really excited bout prom may 8, right.?

well ya i was too.. then on thursday principal Levi Williams made an announcement and said if anyone has had a problem with tardys, in his exact words "If you all have had a problem with getting to class on time we dont think youll be able to make it to prom". This really made me mad. As some of you know i got suspended a few weeks ago for tardys but i havent had but 1 since then. I already got my prom dress and have really been looking forward to this. he cant tell us this at this point. He should have when he announced we would have prom. Oh well..
So whos ready for school to be out.?? You kno i am.. ugh im hatingg school. Hopefully highschool will be better.??
So thats about all for now..

Here are some awesome bands (and people) you should look up.
*Stereo Skyline
*Justin beiber
*Eyes set to kill

~ Rachel Boxx